Sun, 25 Aug 2024
Indonesian Beverage Brand Opens First Outlet in New York, set to introduce Cendol to American ConsumersLogin to verify your order
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Sign-in Here..More and more local brands are expanding their businesses into international markets, with Teguk being one of the latest. The beverage brand opened its first outlet in Soho, New York, on September 17, 2022, marking its first venture abroad.
“Our trigger was in 2019; that year was our highest point of expansion. It wasn’t a franchise model, but within a year we opened 86 outlets. We did it all on our own. We have a dream to achieve the same thing outside Indonesia, especially since many foreign brands are also opening here,” said Maulana Hakim, CEO of Teguk Indonesia, during a press conference in Jakarta on Thursday, September 29, 2022.
This dream began to come true in March 2022. Teguk saw a significant opportunity to open an outlet in New York, which Maulana described as a stroke of luck. They prepared for the store opening for six months with a business approach similar to what they used in Indonesia.
The first step was to gather data on consumer behavior there. Research became a crucial component because they wanted to ensure that the international expansion would be profitable and successful. Moreover, the capital came entirely from Teguk's own funds, not through franchising like most F&B brands.
“We studied the market behavior. We looked at the competitors. We examined the products,” Maulana explained.
Based on the collected data, Teguk decided to first introduce its boba series to New Yorkers. This drink is more familiar to the market, and its ingredients are more easily sourced there.“According to our research, boba is already part of the culture and behavior there. It’s different from here, where it’s more of a trend,” he added. There is also a coconut-based drink that is not on the menu of beverages sold in Indonesia.